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Research Information Events

Learn about our current and past Research Information events

One of the four main elements of the PSPA Research Strategy is communication.

To help communicate updates this we host online research information events to share current research projects and findings in an accessible way. As well as learning about ongoing research, the sessions allow attendees to ask questions about studies and hear about the outputs from completed projects.


In 2024, to make our research events more accessible we will hold multiple sessions throughout the year with different themes.

Research Information Session 2

The second session of the year held on the 5th September 2024 focussed on research that aims to improve care and symptomatic treatment for people with PSP & CBD. The programme is available to download here.

Recordings of the sessions can be watched below:

Dr Boyd Ghosh – How to provide the best care for people with PSP & CBD

Dr Robert Durcan – Treating symptoms in PSP with noradrenaline

Professor Chrystalina Antoniades – Quantifying PSP using digital technology

Professor Kate Flemming – Palliative Care in progressive neurological illness

Mark Jackson – My Neuro Survey 2024

We are currently planning our next research information session – if you have a particular area of research you’d like covered please send suggestions to

Research Information Session 1

The first session of the year was held on Thursday 23 May 2024 and focused on research with aims of diagnosing PSP & CBD in a faster and more accurate way. You can read the full programme here.

Recordings of the sessions can be watched below:

Dr Maura Malpetti – Brain scans and blood tests to track inflammation

Prof Dan Smith – Visual Attention: A Potential Cognitive Marker for PSP

Riona Fumi – Diagnosing Parkinson Plus Syndromes Earlier: The ExPRESS Study

Dr Alana Terry – Molecular Imaging of Synaptic Loss in PSP

Dr Edwin Jabbari – Development of a tau seeding assay as an early diagnostic test for PSP & CBD


Following the success of our 2021 event, PSPA was excited to hold our second online Research Information Day on Friday 3 February 2023.

During the day, we brought together 200 virtual attendees together including people living with PSP or CBD, carers, researcher and health professionals, to share knowledge, answer questions and raise awareness of PSP & CBD.

Download the programme for the day here.

You can also play back the sessions below:

Session One – Observational studies – what are they for and what have we learned? 

Session Two – Causes and cures: how technologies can help

Session Three – Clinical Trials update

Session Four – Care – navigating and improving the health and social care system

Session Five – Patients voices using surveys and focus groups

For further information about the event please email