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Get involved in Research

The different ways you can help progress research


Many people affected by PSP & CBD find research is a source of hope.

Getting involved in research can see you sign up to take part in a study or clinical trial. There are opportunities for you to input your thoughts and experience, to help shape PSP & CBD research now, and in the future.

Patient and carer involvement in research

Patient  and carer involvement is a key strand of PSPA’s Research Strategy.

Through our patient and carer  involvement work, PSPA aims to:

  • Support research which reflects patient views and priorities and encourage anyone who wants to take part in research to do so
  • Educate members and supporters by working with Support Groups about PSP & CBD
  • Support our Helpline team in answering enquiries, providing research information and answering scientific questions
  • Working with pharmaceutical patient advocacy teams to encourage patient engagement in clinical trials.

Keep reading to learn how you can register your interest in research and the work our Patient Research Involvement Members (PRIM) have been doing.


For more information about our research activity, contact us on:

Tel: 01327 322418


Register your interest in research

Sign up to the PSPA Research register

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PSPA Funded Research

Research that has been awarded a PSPA Grant or Fellowship

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Other Research Projects

Other PSP & CBD research not funded by PSPA

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