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Today we are launching a new awareness campaign called #WeCare.

Our #WeCare campaign aims to raise awareness of PSP & CBD by shining a light on the care support family and friends provide whilst recognising that support for unpaid carers needs to be improved.

As a result of the General Election being called for 4 July, we have launched the #WeCare campaign ahead of PSP & CBD Awareness Week to ensure we have time to show the next government #WeCare and call on election candidates to commit to taking action to support carers.

You can help show #WeCare by writing to your local election candidates to let them know about the challenges carers of people with PSP & CBD face and asking them to support a better deal for carers if they’re elected in July.

You can find out who’s standing for election in your local area by using our website search facility. We’ve also created a template letter you can download to get you started – but we encourage you to share your own personal experience with your candidates.

Learn more about the #WeCare campaign and download our resources, here.

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